Weekly Wrap Up - Friday 1 November 2024
She Makes News is a podcast proudly produced by OAK Magazine
Welcome to your weekly news wrap up for regional women in Australia. It's Friday 1 November 2024.
Making news this week:
- Sarah Duncanson from PAEDS has just launched a new podcast in collaboration with Penny Blunden from Sick Happens. Prepared Not Scared was created to offer support and clear guidance for managing children’s everyday illnesses and injuries—without the fear factor.
- Geelong’s Bec Connolly, founder of Botanicals by Luxe, has been named among Australia's top business leaders receiving a Business Elite’s 40 under 40 award.
- Plus more news snippets
If you'd like to share your news or leave us an audio message, use our new audio message feature. Tell us in detail about your event. We can then use your audio quotes in a news bulletin or use the information as part of our news snippets. https://speak-to.us/shemakesnews
- PAEDS Education - https://learning.paeds.education/home
- Sick Happens - https://www.sickhappens.com.au/
- Botanicals by Luxe - https://botanicalsbyluxe.com.au/
- GRO Rural - https://grorural.com.au/
- Wander Into Wildness - https://www.wanderintowildness.com.au/sound-healing-events-victoria/treasure-map-wellbeing-in-business-workshop
That’s your weekly wrap up for regional women. Stay informed. Stay Connected. Follow us on social media @shemakesnews or email shemakesnews@gmail.com
This episode was hosted by Kimberley Furness, founder + editor of OAK Magazine. We are a proudly independent media publisher dedicated to sharing stories and amplifying voices of female change makers and women in business in regional and rural Australia. OAK is an award winning community ecosystem of print, digital, audio and events. We have demonstrated outstanding quality, innovation and impact through our print magazine, podcasts and audio version of OAK Magazine. OAK is where you will find in-depth chats and courageous conversations with women in business from regional and rural Australia.
Stay social and connect with OAK Magazine on Facebook and Instagram.
For more inspiring stories, visit OAK Magazine website. Hosted by Kimberley Furness, Founder + Editor, OAK Magazine.