Episode 53

Published on:

3rd Apr 2023

Neha Samar- 2023 AgriFutures Rural Women's Award VIC Finalist

This is a special mini series featuring this year’s AgriFutures Rural Women’s Award Victorian finalists. 

Through her own experiences as a migrant to Australia, Neha recognised that opportunities are often down to who you know, not what you know. This disadvantage is even more acute for women living in regional areas like Neha’s hometown of Shepparton.

Identifying an opportunity to bridge the gap between those who are seeking to grow and those willing to help them succeed, Neha established The Flamingo Project to create a community of women helping women. Knowing that asking for support may not always be easy for women, the program has no barriers of entry and is free of charge. 

Neha tells us why she applied for the award, what she has learned about herself in the process and the importance of her project.

Let me introduce you to my friend and AgriFutures 2023 Rural Women’s Award Victorian Finalist Neha Samar.


This episode was hosted by Kimberley Furness, founder + editor of OAK Magazine. OAK Magazine is a proudly independent print publication dedicated to sharing stories and amplifying voices of female entrepreneurs and women in business in regional and rural Australia. Founded in Bendigo, this quarterly publication is filled with expertise, insights and small business guidance from driven, inspiring and successful local women.

Stay social and connect with OAK Magazine on Facebook and Instagram.

For more inspiring stories, visit OAK Magazine website. Hosted by Kimberley Furness, Founder + Editor, OAK Magazine.

Show artwork for A Friend of Mine by OAK Magazine

About the Podcast

A Friend of Mine by OAK Magazine
Regional and rural women in business
A Friend of Mine is a series of conversations with some incredible and inspiring women in business from regional and rural Australia.

Whether you’re starting out in business and wondering how to go from side hustle to full time or you’re looking for ways to expand on what you’ve already established, A Friend of Mine will take a deep dive into the nitty gritty to help you along your journey.

Let us introduce you to some amazing female entrepreneurs who will share their experience and knowledge of what it takes to start, grow and scale a successful business.

Connect with OAK Magazine on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/oakmagazineau] and Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/oakmagazineau]

For more inspiring stories, visit OAK Magazine website [https://www.oakmagazine.com.au]

A Friend of Mine is proudly produced by OAK Magazine. Hosted by Kimberley Furness, Founder + Editor, OAK Magazine.

About your host